Doors and frames : The LEED® Rating System
LAMBTON DOORS was among the first to be concerned with the effect that buildings have on our environment and continues to lead the way. This section will provide some basic information regarding responsible Green Building practices utilizing the LEED® Rating System.
Green Building and the environment
What is “Green”
Building and Design?
“Green” Building and Design refers to design and construction practices that meet specified standards aimed at reducing the negative impact of buildings on both their occupants and the environment.
Green Building Benefits
- Environment
- Economy
- Health and Safety
- Communities
The LEED® Rating System
The USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council) developed the LEED® Rating System, a leading-edge system for designing, constructing, operating and certifying the world’s greenest buildings. LEED® stands for Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design.
LEED® was created to:
- Define “Green” building by establishing a common standard of measurement
- Promote integrated, whole-building design practices
- Recognize environmental leadership in the building industry
- Stimulate green competition
- Raise consumer awareness
- Transform the marketplace
CaGBC and USGBC Certify Buildings for LEED®
There are 4 Award Levels:
- Certified Level  40-49 points
- Silver Level 50-59 points
- Gold Level 60-79 points
- Platinum Level 80+ points
The CaGBC, through a licensing agreement with the U.S. Green Building Council
(USGBC), implements the LEED® Green Building Rating System in Canada.
Benefits of LEED® Certification
1- Third party validation of achievement
2- Qualify for growing array of state and local government incentives
3- Contribute to growing knowledge base
4- LEED® certification plaque to mount on building
5- Official certificate
6- Receive marketing exposure through USGBC or CaGBC Websites, case studies, media announcements
LEED® categories and architectural flush wood doors
There are seven main areas (categories) of project design and construction.
- Sustainable Sites
- Water Efficiency
- Energy
- Innovation and Design
- Materials & Resources(1)
- Indoor Environmental Quality(1)
- Regional Priority(1)(2)
(1) These categories apply to Architectural Flush Wood doors.
(2) US market only.
Lambton Doors products
For a list of LAMBTON DOORS products that contribute to the calculation of points for projects pursuing LEED® certification, click the link below.